
Programmes: Apprenticeship as Industrial Clerk

Location of current rotation: Essen

For me, the advantage of training at RWEST was the international corporate culture. I like working with international colleagues and communicating in English. Communicating in English is not difficult for me because English was one of my favourite subjects at school and I did an internship in an electronics company in the UK before I started my apprenticeship.

Gaining experience and expertise

A further advantage of an apprenticeship at RWEST is the wealth of experience it offers. I started my apprenticeship just a year ago, but I have already worked in three different areas of the business, including Human Resources, IT Provider Management and Corporate Affairs. This has enabled me to expand my knowledge in auditing, project management, administrative processes, translations and other areas.

My greatest success so far has been being asked to extend my time at Corporate Affairs by two months because of how impressed they have been with my work.

Career opportunities for the future

I want to work at RWEST after my apprenticeship and continue my development. I could also imagine spending a longer period abroad and working at one of the many other RWEST locations. But for now, I’m happy to wait and see what the future holds for me.

I am currently enjoying gaining experience and expertise in a dynamic energy-trading company and working with nice and helpful colleagues.

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